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Churches and Futurists

artificial intelligence

IMPACT Magazine of Singapore recently interviewed Dr. Jay Gary on how professional futurists view the church and the future of society. […]

The Future According to Jesus

Dr. Jay Gary asks, What can a Galilean Jew still teach us about creating our future? This essay proposes that Jesus held a three-futures framework, explores this as a first-century generational narrative, and 3) offer reflections on how a post-conventional faith can approach the future. […]

Pack Your Suitcase: Fold Faith into Learning

How should we think about our intellectual journey as we prepare to travel in the post-normal world of the 21st century? In this essay, Dr. Jay Gary offers four principles on how we should integrate faith and reason as Christian educators […] […]

Strategic Foresight: Look to the Future to Plan Today

by Dr Jay Gary, June 15, 2010

Recently the president of a Christian university was asked, “Where is Christian Higher Education going over the next 15 years?” Without skipping a beat, he replied, “I don’t know — but that’s what keeps me up at night!” The president then added, “I know one thing. It will […]

The Scoundrel's Guide to Scandal

by Dr. Jay Gary

This speech, “Framing Christian Futuring,” was given to Bacone College at their 2007 Presidential Leadership Summit.

I would like to spin a story for you about scandal, corruption, crime, and perjury–of wickedness in high places. No, I am not thinking about Bernie Madoff, Ken Lay, Bernard Ebbers, Scooter Libby, Alberto Gonzalez, […]

The Post-Church Letters: Voices from 2020

by Dr Jay Gary, Jan 1, 2010

These scenarios tell us that immigrants, women and emerging generations will shape the church in greater measure by 2020.

You’ve heard the post-church hype for years: “It’s the end of the church as we know it. Twenty million will leave the church by 2020. Donations will shrink, and […]

Welcome to Christian

by Dr. Jay Gary

Greetings and welcome to the Christian Futures Network.

As the third millennium begins, we are looking to the resurrected Christ for insight and wisdom to help renew and lead the church into the future. Despite the apocalyptic anxiety of so many followers of Jesus, I believe we have embarked upon a […]

Is Faith a Change Driver?

by Dr Jay Gary, April 2, 2007

I’ve been teaching forward-thinking leadership to graduate students for nearly four years now. I am indebted to those I’ve worked with from mid-career backgrounds. Since Regent draws a variety of people from various faith backgrounds, I’ve observed a wide variety of styles that people take toward becoming more […]

Fads, Trends and Faith-based Organizations

Recently, Chris Forbes of Ministry Marketing Coach caught up with Dr. Jay Gary, author, futurist and professor, on what he see for the future of nonprofits in the U.S. For years Dr. Gary has conducted “Future Proof Your Ministry” workshops. […]

Do You Hear Voices in Your Head?

by Jay Gary, PhD, April 16, 2007

Graham Cooke, Denver, April 13, 2007

It is not normal to hear voices in your head, at least in my culture. Yet many of my friends claim to. If you confessed to ‘auditory hallucinations’ you would normally be diagnosed as borderline schizophrenia by your psychiatrist.

Among […]